Online images
Images of Formby Past
We now have just over 7,700 of archive images on Flickr. Please click here to view this collection.
Many of these images were taken by Muriel Sibley from the 1960s through to the 1980s. In addition the Society hold over 700 of her drawings/watercolours and these have also been added and can be viewed here
Comments have been added to a small number of these images and more will be added. Please do add your own comments as it is hoped to build up an extensive library of information to record, for the future, the history of Formby Village. (The final accuracy of comments will be judged by the Society)
Formby Tapestry
The Formby Tapestry (a pictorial history of Formby) was the work of Lilian Rushton. Some of her ‘scenes’ in the Tapestry are based on Mrs Sibley’s sketches and watercolours. The Tapestry belongs to the FCS and is on permanent display in the History Room at Duke St Library.
It was unfinished when Miss Rushton died in 1982, having completed 67 panels. Other members of the Society added another 8 panels but unfortunately they did not have the remarkable skills of Lillian Rushton. The complete photographic record was compiled by Ian Hall in 1989.
Please click here to view her work